主演:贡萨洛·沃丁顿 David Chan Cordeiro José Pinto 米格尔·古伊尔赫梅 Tiago Rodrigues Rui Mendes Matamba Joaquim Luis Afonso Pedro Borges 里卡杜·卡里可 Pedro Cruzeiro António Dur?es Miguel Fraz?o 努诺·洛佩斯 卡拉·马舍尔
导演:Jo?o Leit?o
简介:A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falc?o, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace". Starring Gon?alo Waddington, as Captain Falc?o, David Chan Cordeiro (also responsible fo...精选短评:葡萄牙的第一部超级英雄电影,看海报就知道恶搞了蝙蝠侠和罗宾、配色上恶搞丁丁历险记,造型上还有点守望者的感觉。法尔考队长是萨拉查独裁政府的警察,对付共产主义份子,用讽刺主角的方式来搞笑,走的是SNL式的恶搞路线,打斗上在模仿李小龙,像部20年前的港片,日后有望成为CULT小众片。★★