主演:莫莉·萨格登 约翰·尹曼 弗兰克·桑顿 温迪·理查德 Nicholas Smith
导演:Ray Butt 鲍勃·施皮尔斯
简介:At London's Grace Brothers Department Store, Mr. Grainger of Gents' Ready-Made and his sales staff learn that they must share their sales floor with Mrs. Slocombe and Miss Brahms of Ladies' Intimate Apparel. No one is happy with the arrangement at first, but they learn to make the most of it.精选短评:精彩!编剧真是完美把握腐国人民的性格特征和当时的社会情况,百货店服装部门一角展示,围绕中心事件“各怀鬼胎”、“勾心斗角”和“虚伪自私”,卖衣服完全是在忽悠人,吐槽人起来更不含糊,偶尔小黄腔,因为演员年龄都挺大,2倍语速和剧情发展速度更适合辛辣讽刺。性别意识也很前卫,傲娇老gay实在是“玲珑剔透”。