主演:克里斯蒂安·贝克尔 马克·瓦斯科 黛博拉·考夫曼 比亚内·梅德尔 巴尔巴拉·奥尔
简介:As a divorced father of two teenage daughters, with a head-strong ex-wife for a best friend, too many peculiar patients to keep up with and a new dog, psychotherapist Max certainly doesn't need another challenge. But when Sophie, a compulsive gambler with a boyfriend problem, regularly shows up late for her appointments, she rocks his world in ways he's not ready for.精选短评:德国人就是这么实吗?死心眼儿。着重写一两对关系就好了吧。人一多,脸盲症犯了,一个都记不住,一个也没写透。太用力太直接了,累。总而言之就是大家都有问题嘛。我只想看一个切片标本。