主演:Keanu Reeves
导演:Marisa Silver
简介: When smart, musically talented and popular high school student David Sinclair unexpectedly commits suicide, shock and unanswered questions reverberate throughout the school. David was perfect, so where did he or his friends go wrong? His best friend, Chris Townsend (Reeves), struggles with his friends death and asks himself if he too is capable of self-destruction. 片尾曲本身是很好的,但结尾的独唱表现得有些煽情而俗套了。现在看来,这部电影仿佛是对Keanu后来遭遇的一个映照。悲剧发生了,这悲剧发生的原因可能永远都不为人知,然而活着的人的生活还在继续,他所能做的只有铭记那些逝去的人,然后继续坚定地向前走去,就像那仿佛永不止息的海浪。