PLAN OF ATTACK—With the Hastings police force suffering attrition and low morale, Foyle comes out of retirement to probe the mysterious death of a cartographer from the Air Ministry office.\r\n BROKEN SOULS—The murder of an ambitious young doctor at the local psychiatric clinic produces no shortage of suspects among the staff and patients, many of whom still experience the war’s ho...
精选短评:Plan of Attack虽然凶手明显但还算是个完整的侦探故事,Broken Souls有案件有背景有人性有深度是亮点,All Clear则为在大捷日给每个人物交代结局把案情部分弱化。由于07年ITV取消该剧导致43-45年部分明显没有前面细致。本季弱点一是赶时间,二是一集双案结合生硬,三是后两集剪辑凌乱。