Leona Stevenson is sick and confined to her bed. One night, whilst waiting for her husband to return home, she picks up the phone and accidentally overhears a conversation between two men planning a murder. She becomes increasingly desperate as she tries to work out who the victim is so the crime can be prevented.从视听语言角度来讲是比较喜欢的,镜头运动和光影处理有值得称道的地方,镜子的运用增加了卧室狭小空间的层次感,结尾谋杀前的那段长镜头颇有难度。只是故事讲得有些乱,不断的闪回并没有和当前时间内的悬疑气氛形成很好的互动,东一榔头西一棒子的反而破坏了连贯性。