
This final series chronicles Harry’s epic rollercoaster ride as he begins to lose grip on his empire, alongside the fortunes of all those whose lives he has touched. London, 1928. Nine years have passed and Harry Selfridge is at the pinnacle of his wealth and celebrity and enjoying the frenzy of the roaring 20s. But in this buzzing, fast-evolving world, Harry is splashing his c...

精选短评:追到最后这一季,眼泪控制不住地掉。连塞尔福里奇这样的商业大亨,也在人生中犯过那么多错误,迷失了自己,地弄丢了最爱的人。当他的死对头先驱报主编把那天的新闻头条由“Selfridges out”改成“bows out”(引退),我知道,selfridges会被后世所铭记所敬仰,这是他的legacy,not a failure


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